Dr.Osama Abdalla Attia
Orthopaedic Surgery
Dr.Osama Abdalla Attia is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon practicing in Mediclinic Hospital , Abu Dhabi. Dr.Osama is a well established surgeon with well over 20 years’ experience in the field. He has 8 years of experience in the UAE itself and has performed over 2000 spinal surgeries as well as pain procedures. He practiced MBBS in Cairo, Egypt. But later he moved to UK to practice pain management therapy course from Birmingham. He also received his PhD and doctorate in Orthopaedic and Spine surgery in the year 2011.
Known languages
- MBBS- University of Egypt, Cairo
- International training- Korea &Germany
- Pain management course- University of Birmingham, UK
- PhD- Orthopaedic and spine Surgery
- Reconstructive disc surgery
- Surgery for spinal stenosis
- Fusion surgery
- Trauma
- Degenerative disc disease
- Herniated discs
- General Orthopaedics
- Arthroplasty
- Joint Replacement
- Spine Surgery
- Trauma
- General Orthopaedics