
7 Surprising Benefits Of Facelift Surgery You Didn’t Know

We all deal with facial imperfections at some point in our lives. For some of us, this comes early in the form of acne. Thankfully, breakouts during our teenage years are manageable and don’t usually last more than a few years. Still, they can leave us with a feeling of hyper-awareness about how we look–even decades later.

Even if you escaped your teenage hormone influx with few facial breakouts, you might now deal with wrinkles or sagging skin. Facelifts are popular all over the world for helping with loose skin and making people look younger. But there are other benefits to this surgery that may not have crossed your mind. Let’s talk about facelifts and their seven surprising benefits.

Facelift Surgery: 7 Surprising Benefits

When people talk about someone having “work done,” a couple of surgeries immediately pop into our heads. Breast augmentation–or a boob job–is usually top of this list. Next might be a nose job (rhinoplasty). What a lot of people mean when they imply that someone had plastic surgery is that the person had a facelift. Today’s facelift looks a lot different from past surgeries, though. It’s a lot harder to tell if someone has “had work done” or if they’ve just been on a restful two-week vacation. While the subtlety of surgery is definitely a plus, what other benefits should you consider?

1.     Provides Anti-Aging Effects For Both Women And Men

We know what you’re thinking–a two-week vacation would be great! De-stressing is never a bad thing. Realistically, though, we know you can’t always just drop everything and fly to a tropical island for fun in the sun. Plus, as relaxing as it is to get away from the strains of your daily grind, it probably won’t reverse signs of aging; however, a facelift can.

The number one benefit that surprises the most people is that both men and women have facelifts. It’s no longer a taboo topic or a vain act if you have plastic surgery. In fact, more men are letting themselves experience the upsides of these procedures. And why shouldn’t they? Both genders can–and often do–have signs of aging, like wrinkles or sagging skin on their faces and necks. What better way to help make these signs more subtle or erase them altogether than to have a one-and-done procedure that leaves them feeling and looking youthful and confident?

2.     Reduces Sagging And Tightens Facial Skin

Okay, this isn’t exactly a surprising benefit, but it’s too good to forget! Your environment can damage your skin–whether that’s from sunlight, genetics, stress, or gravity. Whatever has led you to your surgeon, you can be sure that facelift surgery will do what it does best–take away sagging skin and tighten your facial features so they’re smooth and wrinkle-free.

3.     Shorter Recovery Period

You won’t have to spend weeks hiding if you have a facelift. The only reason downtime is important is so you can heal, not because you need to feel ashamed of your facelift. After a couple of peaceful weeks at home (think of it as a staycation), you can start working again–and showing off the younger-looking you.

4.     Open To All Ages

Facelifts aren’t only for people in their 40s or above. Maybe you’re in your 20s or 30s and have a genetic condition that causes your skin to sag, or you’ve lost a good amount of weight, and this change left you with a drooping face. Whatever the case, you can have facelift surgery if you’re in your 20s or 80s–as long as your surgeon says you’re healthy enough, you’re good to go.

5.     No Visible Scarring From Surgery

You won’t have to worry about scarring from your facelift if you choose an experienced surgeon. Your surgeon will make small, subtle incisions that heal and blend into your skin. The incisions are near your ears and either follow the front curve of your ear along your face or are behind your ear and lobe, hidden in your hairline.

6.     Solo Or Combination Procedure

You want to fix the wrinkles on your face, but there’s another thing you’d like to have done. Maybe you’re thinking about changing the shape of your nose or getting rid of fatty tissue around your eyes. You can combine a facelift and a second surgery, so you’ll only have to deal with one operation and one recovery period.

7.     Long-Term Results That Create A Naturally Youthful Look

The most surprising benefit of all is the natural look facelifts produce. This wasn’t always the case, but the modern version of the surgery is more about making small changes to help you look younger and refreshed without making your skin look unnaturally tight.

Skincare products and moisturizing creams say they can lift and firm your skin. Some of these products do work–and they work well–but only for as long as you keep using them. Facelift surgery is your best bet for a long-lasting outcome. You might need revision surgery after ten years, but most patients don’t need another facelift for fifteen to twenty years–if they even need one at all.

Your ticket to Naturally Younger Look

You may be surprised by these seven facelift benefits. No matter your age or gender, you can have tighter, smoother facial skin. Your recovery time is short–and your incisions well-hidden– meaning you can go back to work after as little as two weeks. You can plan for your facelift to be a solo operation or pair it with another cosmetic surgery. If subtle enhancements that lead to great results are your thing, facelift surgery may be your ticket to a naturally younger look.

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