10 Most Common Skin Diseases & Skin Disorders
Skin is one of the most important parts of our body. They are the parts that get the most attention. We spend a fortune on maintaining our skin and preserving the glow in our skin. We need to know about the pathogens or the infections which may affect your skin. Because the infection and pathogens on our skin can not be corrected by skin products that are available online. Our skin is known as the largest organ in our body. It covers our muscles and nerves and protects them from injury or bacteria from the outside world. It extends from the tip of the skull to the tip of the toes. Skin diseases are known to be the most severe. They can be temporary, permanent, or they can be recurring.
Some are caused due to certain circumstances while most others are caused due to genetics. There are other skin infections caused due to trauma too. Most skin conditions are not a threat to life but other skin conditions are a threat to life. They can be chronic and lead to death. If you find any skin defects or any abnormalities in your skin, you should go to the doctor immediately. To be able to identify the skin conditions,
10 most common skin diseases are mentioned below.
1. Acne
These are small red elevations on your skin that lead to a bad appearance of your skin. It usually occurs in your face and it can occur in groups or a single big and redone. These are mostly found in the areas of the face, neck, shoulders, chest, upper back, etc. It occurs on the skins with blackheads, Whitehead, pus, pimples, or they can also appear as cysts in the deeper tissue. They do not leave scars but if the acne is irritated then it might leave a scar on your skin.

2. Cold sores
Cold sores are blister-like appearances that occur mostly on your face. The infections that occur on your face should be taken care of better than the infection in your upper body or the trunk. They occur mostly on your lips, the upper lips, and nose areas. You can know if you’re going to have it beforehand. The skin on which you will have it will tingle or you will feel a burning sensation before the scar is visible. These can also appear with flu-like features. Mostly the patient will have a low fever, headache, chill, swollen lymph nodes, and body aches.

3. Blisters
This is a very common infection that occurs on the skin. It is very painful. Usually occurs due to trauma to the skin for a long time and it also causes a lot of pain and discomfort. It can be differentiated from other infections based on a clear, watery fluid-filled area on the skin. It is either smaller than 1 cm or it is larger than 1cm. The blisters which are smaller than one centimeter are called vesicles and the one’s larger area is known as bulla. They can occur in groups or they can occur singly. It can occur anywhere in our body and has no special preferences.

4. Hives
These are the patterns that are linked with allergy. It occurs only with the contact of an allergen. Mostly known as an allergy reaction of the skin when it comes in contact with an allergen. These are itchy raised patterns that mostly relish in color. So these are red warm to feel and painful when touched. Typically small round ring-shaped but at times they can be irregular and large.

5. Actinic keratosis
It’s even less than 2 cm. They are sometimes the size of a pencil eraser. It has a thick scaly rough skin patch that has a crusty appearance. The site of occurrence in the body is that part that is mostly exposed to the sun. These are mostly hands, neck, face, arms, and scalp. These are usually pink in color. But it can have a gray-brown or tan base.

6. Rosacea
It is a chronic skin disease. Usually fades up and then reappears again. It cycles that way. The reappearing of this can depend on many physical conditions. Some of them are stress, alcohol consumption, intestinal bacteria like helicobacter pylori, or overexposure to sunlight. This disease has four different types of infection with a large variety of symptoms. The most common symptoms are facial redness, facial blushing, facial red bumps on the skin, skin dryness, skin sensitivity.

7. Carbuncle
It is a lump that is present under your skin, usually lor and sore to the touch, can feel irritated when it occurs. It may demonstrate many flu-like symptoms that are fever, chills, body aches, etc. So It can cause skin crustiness. It also causes ooziness.

8. Latex allergy
It is another common skin condition caused by the use of latex mostly as a glove. It is a severe and emergency condition. Immediate doctor’s care should be needed If this happens. The rash can occur for minutes or can take days to appear. It appears when the skin is exposed to latex. It is characterized by the appearance of red spots and it may feel itchy. The site gets dry and feels crusty when the area is exposed to latex repeatedly. Apart from using If latex gloves, airborne latex can also cause cough, running nose, itchy, watery eyes, and many more symptoms. Severe allergy can cause swelling and difficulty in breathing. When it not cares well, it makes a skin diseases.

9. Eczema Skin Diseases
These are yellow and red patches that can have a flaky appearance. These are elevated areas and are sensitive to touch. Hair loss may occur in these areas. When it not treats well, it creates skin diseases.

10. Vitiligo Skin Disease
It is a most common skin disorder in tropical countries. It occurs due to an autoimmune disorders. The body defense mechanism kills the cells of our own body. This gives skin its color.