
Category Archives: vitamin c

2 years ago food , vitamin c , vitamins

16 Best Food that is Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which is neither created nor stored so, we need to take it insufficient amount regularly. Vitamin C is antioxidant which also helps us to prevent infection, virus, and help to improve our immunity. Rich in Vitamin C plays a important role in developing our immune system better every day in our life

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of specific neurotransmitters Its deficiency causes gum bleeding and can frighten the immune system.

Here is some food that is Rich in Vitamin C

Yellow bell pepper, broccoli, guavas, berries, kiwi fruit, oranges, lemon, black currant, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cabbage, peas, melon, papaya, pineapple, turnip.

1.Yellow bell peppers 

In an amount of 100 gm of yellow bell pepper 180 to 185 mg vitamin C was found. Every person should add this food to his/her diet for taking vitamin C insufficient amount.


In an amount of 100 gm of broccoli 89 gm of vitamin c was found. Broccoli is a good option to consume vitamin c for our daily life. As a fact, we need to know that boiling broccoli can destroy 50 percent of vitamin c. So, we need to use broccoli without boiling it for taking a sufficient amount of vitamin c.


In an amount of 100 gm of guava, there is 230 mg of vitamin C was found. 230 mg of vitamin c is more we use in a day. So, guavas are the best option to fulfill our vitamin c need in daily life. In guavas, vitamin C is also responsible for its nice taste.


In berries there is also a good amount of vitamin c was found. Not only strawberries but also blueberries, raspberry having vitamin c. About 95 mg of the vitamin c was found in a cup of sliced strawberries. And strawberries are the tastiest way to consume vitamin c for daily life.

5.Kiwi fruit

Kiwi is not only rich in Vitamin k but also rich in Vitamin C. So, we had to add it to our regular duet to complete our requirement of vitamin c. Kiwi has almost 95 mg of vitamin c in 100 gm. So, it is a nice option for improving our Immune system 


One of the most popular foods for recover the losing amount of vitamin c. As we know orange is juicy and fibrous food, so, it works as an antioxidant and as well as gives fiber to strengthen us. Easy to find, easy to extract juice, and cheap.


It is easy to find it in summer but hard or rarely to find in another season. Lemon has an exceptionally high amount of vitamin c. Regular use in summer can make you away from the clinic and doctor. Use lemon juice with a little amount of salt is also helps to improve your Immune system.

8.Black currant

Black currant carries a very high amount of vitamin c. Black currant carries about four Times of vitamin c than oranges, and double to blueberries. Body use vitamin c for forming collagen and for protein metabolism, which helps our body fights against skin disease and viral infection.

9.Brussels sprouts

According to their taste, this is not loved by children to eat, but having minerals and fibers in a huge amount. We can take cooked Brussels sprouts, as it provides 50mg of vitamin c.


Tomato is a common vegetable that can be found in every house. As per the studies around 35 percent of vitamin c is found in tomatoes. But eating too many tomatoes can also cause heartburn and gastric problems.


Cabbage has enough amount of vitamin c to fulfill your daily need of vitamin c. We can take it in salads to fulfill our vitamin c need.


  And we need to add peas to our diet because it has also other vitamins and minerals except Vitamin C. Boiling of peas can destroy vitamin C, because heat and water have an inverse relation with vitamin c.


If we talking about the melon family then both musk and watermelon are rich in vitamin c. So, in summer it is one of the best options to improve our Immune by vitamin C.


A cup of pineapple provides you about 25g of vitamin c. Pine helps our Immune system, eye, and heart strengthen.


In a full size of papaya, it contains about two to three times of vitamin c as per the daily need. So, papaya is also the better option for increasing vitamin c in your body.


Turnip is high in vitamin c, calcium, amino acids, folate, copper, potassium, etc. Iris the best food recommend to take in a salad every day. 
We hope, above mention details help you to balance the diet. And add the amount of vitamin c as you need. Cause of the word limit we can’t write all the food rich in vitamin c. So, such food has Citrus in nature is rich in vitamin c. Vitamin C  is essential for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

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